PhD student and postdoc positions in social computing and human-centered AI at Idiap, Switzerland F/H

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Mise à jour le 06/04/2022
  • Etablissement :  Social Computing

  • Type de contrat :  CDDI

  • Temps de travail :  Temps plein

  • Lieu Martigny


Idiap is an independent, not-for-profit, research institute recognized and funded by the Swiss Federal Government, the State of Valais, and the City of Martigny, and is academically affiliated with EPFL and University of Geneva.

Idiap offers competitive salaries and working conditions at all levels in a dynamic, multicultural environment. Idiap is an equal opportunity employer.

Idiap is located in the town of Martigny in Valais, a scenic region in the south of Switzerland, surrounded by the highest mountains of Europe, and offering exceptional quality of life, exciting recreational activities, including hiking, climbing and skiing, as well as varied cultural activities. It is within close proximity to Lausanne and Geneva. Although Idiap is located in the French part of Switzerland, English is the official working language. Free French lessons are also provided on a complimentary basis.

For frequently asked questions (FAQs) about living in Switzerland, please go to

Langues souhaitées

  • Anglais Anglais - Niveau avancé
  • Français Français - Niveau débutant

Réf: efc76134-d529-4a41-226e-08d9c569e23b

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PhD student and postdoc positions in social computing and human-centered AI at Idiap, Switzerland F/H

Social Computing
Temps plein

Ces informations permettent de traiter votre candidature. La base légale est celle des mesures préalables à la conclusion d’un éventuel contrat de travail. Sauf si action de votre part, elles sont conservées pour une durée n’excédant pas 2 ans.

* Champs obligatoires

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